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50 Best Breakfasts from around the world

9 Jul

Salivating. That’s the only way to describe me after looking at all this food porn. I love to eat breakfast, it’s the best meal of the day as far as I’m concerned. Pancakes, cereal, brunch, eggs, healthy breakfasts, greasy breakfasts, I’m not fussy. My only trouble is what to choose…

English breakfast 50 of the World’s Best Breakfasts

1. A full English Breakfast – it must have beans, sausages, bacon, eggs, mushrooms, hash browns and toast. Of course, it should all be knocked back with a cup of tea, but black pudding is optional as far as I’m concerned. Thank you LunaMoth16.

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Cardio Exercises Using Stairs

30 Jun

If the weather outside isn’t cooperating with your idea to go for a run, hike, or bike ride, then you can still get in a good workout indoors. Believe it or not, you have something in your home that’s just as good as a treadmill and weight room — the stairs. Crank up your favorite workout playlist and keep an eye on the clock, repeating this six-minute circuit five times through:

  • One minute of running up and down the stairs
  • One minute of triceps dips, resting your hands on the second or third step
  • One minute of forward lunges, alternating between stepping the right foot on the first step, and then the left; make it harder by doing bicep curls with a set of dumbbells
  • One minute of double leg jumps, starting on the floor, jumping both feet onto the first step, and then jumping back to the floor
  • One minute of push-ups, elevating your feet on the first, second, or third step; if this is too difficult, then elevate your hands instead
  • One minute of side squats, elevating your right foot on the first step for 30 seconds, then repeating on the left side for 30 seconds; make it more challenging by doing overhead shoulder presses with a set of dumbbells

Repeat this six-minute circuit four more times for a 30-minute workout.

7 Tips for Pushups Improvement

26 Jun


Guys tend to abandon the pushup for the bench press sometime around puberty. Which is why you usually have to wait in line at the gym for a bench while there’s always plenty of floor space. But the once-forgotten pushup has recently muscled its way back to the top of the exercise universe. Why? Because it not only builds a powerful front façade to your physique, but also develops the support system behind that musculature. “They’re also a great way to judge how strong you are relative to your body weight,” says Martin Rooney, P.T., C.S.C.S., author of Ultimate Warrior Workouts.

Test yourself by doing as many pushups as you can in 3 minutes. Rest whenever you want, but keep the clock running the whole time. Fifty-five is average, but if you can’t reach 75—what strength coaches consider “good”—then you need to either gain strength or lose weight. Our 7 pushup variations will help you do both. Weave them into your daily workouts to build strength, power, and sleeve-busting muscle.

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The 8 Worst People at the Gym

26 Jun

You might be one of these characters and not even know it

We all go to a gym for different reasons, but the end goal is fitness, not fraternity. Let the girls order their protein shakes in peace, keep the flirting to a minimum and remember: bars are made for socializing, gyms are made for exercising. If you’re truly interested in a woman, keep it in your pants, take it home and plaster your walls in construction paper cut-outs of her like the rest of us. Whatever you do, for the love of Pete’s hairy beanbag, don’t gawp at her while she’s splayed out like a snuff star doing hamstring curls.

Easy, Dice Man. We know your bicep’s bigger than the average human head, but there’s no need to throw weights, howl and stare at everyone within range as if they all just farted. Lose the snarl, smile, nod, maybe even assist someone with a spot if asked, and we promise not to tell anyone you call your girlfriend “baby boo.”

A typical rest period between sets is 30 seconds to two minutes. An average working set takes around 30 more seconds. So how is it that you’re still sitting there, staring into space after 20 minutes? If you’re going to idle, the cushions on the seats at the juice bar are more comfortable than the ones on the bench.

Maybe you are the biggest or most ripped guy in the joint. Good for you! Being in great shape is an accomplishment—being an arrogant dick is an irritant. Mirrors in the gym are to check your form or to sneak a piggy glimpse of the girl doing hamstring curls, not to flex and admire yourself like an underwear model

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Get That: The Abdominal V

26 Jun

Master these lower abdominal and oblique moves to bring out your “sex lines.”

Scoring even the slightest visible abs through an intense training regimen and finely tuned diet is no easy feat for anyone who isn’t genetically predisposed, but how do you step up your game even further and bring legitimate definition in the area? We consulted celebrity personal trainer John Romaniello of Roman Fitness Systems to find out how to land those lower abdominal and oblique cuts that some women (we asked them) like to refer to as “sex lines.” Perform this routine two days per week.

Laying Garhammer Raise

Five sets of 15 repetitions.

Hanging Leg Lifts

three sets to complete failure.

Russian Twist with Kettlebell

Three sets of 10 to 15 repetitions.

Get That: Bear Traps

26 Jun

The go-to workout routine for building up those intimidating trap muscles.

“Bear Traps,” along with a broad chest and big biceps, are one of the major signs that “that guy must work out.” But how do you go from looking like a pencil-necked desk jockey to an all-star athlete? Below are three exercises to help you build big trapezius muscles.

Exercise 1: Barbell Shrug
Start by holding the bar with an overhand grip just outside of your thighs. With knees slightly bent (not locked out) and arms straight, lift your shoulders as high as possible. Hold the contraction for a full second, and then lower the bar back to the starting position. Higher reps work well, so four sets of 12-15 reps is recommended.

Exercise 2: Seated Dumbbell Shrug
Sit upright on a 90-degree bench while holding two dumbbells at your sides with arms fully extended. Keeping your core tight and chest high, shrug the dumbbells up and squeeze your traps. Hold for a full 1-2 second count, and then lower your arms back down. Again this will be a higher repetition movement so stick with four sets of 12-15 reps.

Exercise 3: Overhead Barbell Shrug
The overhead barbell shrug is an advanced shrug variation. Not only will it contribute to the growth of your traps but it will actually help to strengthen your core as well. Start by holding a barbell overhead as if you had just completed a military press. While keeping the core tight, contract your traps and elevate the shoulders. Squeeze the top position for two seconds, then slowly release. The advanced nature of this movement necessitates starting with a light weight and slowly increasing only when your form is perfect. Three sets of 10-12 reps are great for this exercise.

Include these three exercises in your routine and you can add “bear traps” as another impressive piece of your physique.

4 Reasons to Eat Whole Egg

24 Jun

Planning on going to diet throwing yolks and eating whites, wait maybe there are after all some reasons you should eat whole egg

  1. One whole egg contains 185 milligrams of cholesterol (egg whites contain none). The daily recommended cholesterol limit is less than 300 milligrams for people with normal LDL (bad) cholesterol levels, so you can enjoy a whole egg each day, as long as you don’t go overboard on other cholesterol-filled foods such as meat and dairy products.
  2. The white part of the egg may contain most of the protein, but the yolk contains most of the egg’s nutrients. One yolk has 21.9 mg of calcium, 245 IU of Vitamin A, 18 IU of vitamin D, 66.3 mg of phosphorus, and 24.8 mcg of folate.
  3. Having eggs for breakfast can help you lose weight. One egg is only 92 calories but offers 6.3 g of protein to give you sustained energy all morning long, so you’re less likely to hit a mid-morning slump and feel the need to reach for a not-so-healthy pick-me-up.
  4. Healthy fats are essential to our bodies and if you choose eggs fortified with omega-3 fatty acids, it’s an easy way to increase your intake of these polyunsaturated fatty acids in your diet.

3 Ways to Get Competitive and Burn More Calories While You Run

23 Jun
  1. Beat your own pace: Who says you have to compete with someone else? If you feel weird going up against another person, then go up against yourself. One way is to track your time for a certain number of miles, and the next time you run, see if you can shed a few seconds off your time. Running at a faster pace will burn more calories and tone your lower body.
  2. Rack more miles than your running buddy: Challenging a running buddy is also a great way to be competitive while also keeping it fun and friendly. You can do it even if you don’t run together! Try this: see who can run more miles in a week. You can follow the honor system and track your miles, or make a game of it using the Nike+ GPS running app ($2). Just tap “Outrun Your Friends,” and whoever runs the shortest distance is “IT.” Even if you don’t beat your friend, you’ll probably end up running more miles than you would if you weren’t competing, and more runs mean more total calories burned.
  3. Outlast a stranger: To make it even more exciting, race against an unknowing stranger. This works best at the gym since there are always other people on the treadmill, but you can also do it outdoors if you can find a park or other place with many other runners. Find someone who’s starting around the same time as you and see if you can either beat their pace or their mileage. You’ll secretly hear the crowd applauding in your head when they stop running and you’re still going strong. But you’ll also end up running faster or longer, which translates to a bigger calorie burn.